Rent control

1151 towns soon to be concerned ?

Implemented in Paris since August 1st 2015, the regulatory framework on rent control has been effective in Lille since February 1st 2017. Introduced by the Alur Law of March 24th 2014, this measure, which was supposed to be effective in the biggest conurbations of the territory, was eventually restricted, by Prime Minister Manuel Valls, to the only voluntary cities.

The “council of State” condemned for “abuse of power” this experimental implementation, which wasn’t expressly organized by the law. Thus, the association “Apart lease, a springboard for housing”, which originally initiated the proceeding, just won the case. The future of this framework will belong to the new President of the Republic (see quarterly notary advises n°463). Rent control, as intended in the Alur Law, was concerning 28 conurbations, that is to say 1151 towns.

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